Welcome to “Own Your Life Fitness”, your gateway to a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Our principles are simple. If you put in the time we have the tools. Its just that simple and that effective. We believe in sharing the wealth of knowledge that we have and since ultimately a gained lifestyle is the preferred platform to move forward, we believe that sharing and educating along the way better facilitates these principles.
We strongly believe in individualism. Everybody is different. In as much as perceived goals, starting fitness ability, available time per week, general experience and a whole host of other possible variables. This is achieved through private consultation and pre-screening with our specialist.
We help in maintaining and focusing on your progress on the way to completing your set goals. At this time we redefine and re-establish future goals.
Our address: 84 Olive Street
Holland Landing Ontario
Telephone: 905-235-0911
Web: www.ownyourlifefitness.com
Service: Fitness Equipment, Personal Trainers, Fitness Classes, Health Clubs
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