We are a traditional Karate club located in Barrie, and Innisfil Ontario. We are affiliated with the Toronto KyoBuKan dojo.
Karate is a system of self defense that promotes a strong mind, strong body and an indominable spirit.
My name is Peter St-Onge and I have been studying Goju Ryu Karate do for 23 years. I currently am ranked as a 4th dan. I started training under Sensei Chris Doyle from 1987 until 1995. From 1995 to 2002 I trained under Sensei Carl Wheeler in the Meibukan. I am currently affiliated with Sensei Ken Jacobs and the Kyobukan Dojo studying the Jundokan system. Our dojo is located in the south end of Barrie and in Innisfil, Ontario.
Karate is not just a fun exercise, but a way of life full of rewards to found along the way.
Our address: 2081 Kate ave.
Innisfil Ontario
Telephone: 705-309-6393
Web: simcoegojukarate.webs.com/
Service: Martial Arts
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