

Welcome to SUWFALL, home of "The Stuff U Want For A Lot Less!" Our auctions work a little bit differently - but once you’ve bid and won a few items, we know you’ll love them.

There’s a few key things that are different from other auctions you might have used online:

So let's take a look at how it works:

1- You need to purchase Bid Tokens to participate. Bid Tokens cost start at $0.65 each.

2- All auctions start at a price of $0.01. All auctions are brand new, factory-sealed items.

3- Each bid increases the auction price by a fixed amount ($0.01) and adds up to 30 seconds to the auction clock so that everyone has a fair chance to bid.

4- The final bidder when the clock hits zero wins. Winners save approximately 65% on average.

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